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Three Collections

Our collections, and the information we provide about them, are a work in progress - we welcome input and support in improving and adding to the information we provide, as well as the collections themselves.

Our current holdings principally comprise three collections:

The Boston Collection: some 40 instruments, mainly woodwind, all dating from the 18th and 19th centuries

The Boston Collection

A collection of some 40 instruments, mainly woodwind, all dating from the 18th and 19th centuries. The majority of them were made by British makers with others deriving from continental Europe. 


The Boston Collection was started by Canon Noel Boston (1910-66) and has been privately held by the Boston family until placed with Veriam Music Trust in 2023. 

Boston Collection reference code: B000

The Double Reed Collection: a collection of  18th century and early 19th century double reed instruments (mainly bassoons)

The Double Reed Collection

A collection of late 18th century and early 19th century double reed instruments (mainly bassoons) by British and continental European makers. On permanent loan from Double Reed Ltd.


Double Reed Collection reference code: D000

A collection of sheet music originally owned by Archibald (Archie) Camden, a renowned 20th century British bassoonist

The Archibald Camden Collection

A collection of sheet music originally owned by Archibald (Archie) Camden, a renowned 20th century British bassoonist, and latterly his son Kerry Camden.


It comprises early printed works and manuscript works (some having been used for premieres of the pieces) plus a wide selection of more general woodwind and bassoon sheet music.

Archibald Camden reference code: AC000

Our Instruments

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